21 Mar 2020

How to Get Unstuck

I’ve got my clear intention (from my list.) I’m trusting that everything is unfolding perfectly, so I can let go of controlling every element to create my desired outcome, and now I am hard at work convincing myself that I deserve all good things. Identifying the disconnects that keep me stuck and prohibit any movement toward unstuckness typically relate to beliefs around: want, deserve, safe, ok, and/or can…and the conflicts and stuckness arising from contrary, conflicting beliefs.

Getting unstuck 101: Tip 5

Identify the disconnects – Identify the disconnections that are keeping you stuck and away from your goals. Run the items on your List (from Tip 1 – your I Want list) through these five questions and see what comes up:

I want…

I can have…

I deserve…

It’s safe to have…

It’s ok to have…

Pay attention to the feelings and the supporting or contrary thoughts and dialog that emerges. You can say the sentences in your head or write them (and your responses) down.  If you clearly want something and you don’t have it, there is a disconnect lurking in one of the other four areas. Play around with the thoughts that appear in reaction to the idea of having something new and the feelings connected to these thoughts.



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